Affordable Housing Trust

The purpose of the Hanover Affordable Housing Trust is to provide for the creation and preservation of affordable housing in the Town of Hanover for low and moderate-income households. The Trust was established by a vote of Town Meeting in May of 2009. The Board of Trustees is composed of seven trustees, which shall include at least one member of the Select Board, one member of the Community Preservation Committee, and five at-large members. 

All affordable housing in the Town of Hanover is privately owned and managed. The Town encourages those that are looking for affordable housing opportunities in Hanover to contact South Shore Housing in Kingston, Massachusetts.

Affordable Septic Program

The Hanover Affordable Housing Trust offers residents in need of septic system upgrades the opportunity to apply for financial assistance to complete necessary improvements. The Hanover Affordable Septic Program is available for eligible Hanover residents to apply for a partially forgivable septic system betterment loan. The Hanover Affordable Housing Trust provides this loan at a three-and-a-half percent (3.5%) interest rate for a period of 7 years, and the loan is 90% forgivable if you remain in the home for the full term of the loan.

Learn more about the Affordable Septic Program by viewing the program details and application.

Emergency Short-Term Rental Assistance Program

As in many communities, some Hanover residents may be facing difficulties finding available housing that meets their needs and financial capabilities. Some of our neighbors and residents are in dire situations.

Qualification for state and federal assistance can often be complex and involve lengthy decision processes. The Town of Hanover's Emergency Short-Term Rental Assistance Program (ESTRAP) is intended to offer a financial bridge for current Hanover residents who are in crisis and can no longer afford to live in Hanover.

Learn more about ESTRAP by viewing the program application and requirements

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Chelsea Stevens Finance Director/Town Accountant 781-826-5000, ext. 1037
Kathryn Fyans Housing Coordinator 781-826-5000, ext. 1106

Trustee Members

NameTitleTerm Expiration


June 2026

Kevin Dyer


June 2026

Julie Fobert


June 2026


June 2025


June 2026

Robert Page


June 2026

Susan Setterland


June 2026