Fiscal Year 2025 Goals

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Last modified: July 8, 2024

Budget and Finance

Proactively address budgeting concerns for FY2026, specifically (1) identifying services reductions to the base budget and (2) the need for an override budget. 
Work on long-term financial planning in conjunction with the Town Manager, Advisory Committee, Superintendent, and School Committee.  

Water Quality and Quantity

Stay engaged with the consultant engineering work approved by Annual Town Meeting voters to reduce/eliminate Hanover residents and businesses’ exposure to PFAS compounds in our drinking water and through consumer products and industrial uses.  
Stay engaged with efforts Hanover has started with a consortium of seven (7) area communities to bring water from the Massachusetts Water Resources Agency (MWRA) to the South Shore, and start discussion(s) on whether hooking up to MWRA is a viable long-term option for the Town of Hanover. 


Investigate the installation of solar panels at the transfer station and other locations in town where feasible 
Implement municipal electricity aggregation 
Explore the feasibility of eliminating town use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to protect Hanover’s water resources. 
Work with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other partners to have the Fireworks Site listed on the National Priorities List and support the clean-up efforts. 

Community Improvements

Expand citizen communication by pursuing methods beyond social media and the town website as distribution platforms.  
Collaborate with Cultural Council as the designated committee to prepare and support town wide planning for Hanover’s 300th founding anniversary. 
Collaborate with Community Preservation Committee to implement upgrades to B. Everett Hall Field with the goal of completing these improvements for Hanover’s 300th. 
Continue efforts to expand community uses for the Sylvester School Building particularly in conjunction with the Office of Family and Community Engagement (FACE) which operates with minimal cost(s) to Hanover property tax payers. 
Continue to collaborate with MassDOT to proactively address traffic and infrastructure concerns along Hanover’s Route 139 and Route 53 corridors (recognizing these are State highways so the Town is limited to mostly an advocacy role). 

Policies and Governance

Initiate a comprehensive review of all Select Board Policies & Procedures, prioritizing personnel policies and adopting a facility use policy.