Community Preservation Committee

The Act in Brief

The Community Preservation Act (CPA) is a tool to help communities preserve open space, historic sites, create affordable housing, and recreational facilities. The Community Preservation Act is statewide enabling legislation to allow cities and towns to exercise control over local planning decisions. This legislation strengthens and empowers Massachusetts communities:

  • All decisions are local.
  • Local people must vote by ballot to adopt the Act.
  • Local legislatures must appoint a committee of local people to draw up plans for the use of the funds.
  • These plans are subject to local comment and approval.

The Hanover General Bylaws, Section 4-19, provides further information about the Community Preservation Committee.

The Community Preservation Coalition has a wealth of information on the Community Preservation Act in Massachusetts.

Current and Past Goals

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Ann Lee Assistant Town Manager/CDMI Director/Human Resources Director 781-826-5000, ext. 1059

Committee Members

NameTitleTerm Expiration
Willaim Scarpell


June 2025

MaryAnn Brugnoli


June 2026

Jonathan Chu


June 2024

Bonnie Clarke


June 2026

Mary Dunn


June 2025

Judy Grecco


June 2026

Mike Jorgenson


June 2025

Brian McLoone


June 2025

Robert Page


June 2026